Tuesday, October 6, 2009


At the moment, it's 5:30 am and I'm up, drinking green tea and eating fruit. Nope, I'm not in labor, just trying to fight a cold. I spent the last couple of weeks staying away from everyone with a cold, which was pretty much everyone, period. However, S wasn't so cautious so he caught a cold, or maybe 2, since it seems like the past 2 weekends he's been sick, and now I have a cold. Five days before my due date.
So, now I'm hoping to go into labor after the cold is gone. I can't imagine having to deal with a stuffy nose and contractions. Plus I don't want to hold my baby for the first time with any sort of infection.
I should be over this thing by Thursday. *fingers crossed*


  1. everytime i see a new post from you i'm at the edge of my seat thinking it's going to be the big news and you've delivered!
    your baby sure does know how to keep us in suspense.
    i'm wishing the best for you. hope you get over this cold fast!!

  2. I'm so excited for you! It'll be over before you know it.
