Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I try not to be completely unreasonable. The disagreements between S and I are so few and far between (I think this was the second) that we don't even know what each other's fighting styles are. I tend to clam up. I gain a lot of perspective by writing, much more than by talking, when I can easily say things I don't mean. Usually after some time alone I'm ready to forgive or apologize. Or both.
I spent last Tuesday in the Bronx with baby Z. Came home and forgave and forgot. Co-habitational bliss once more.

Z is 8 weeks tomorrow. He's becoming more and more aware of his surroundings. He's awake for longer periods throughout the day and sleeping longer and longer at night. This morning I went to his crib at 9am and found him staring with great interest at his mobile. I turned it on and he was fascinated by the music and movement.

Yesterday I took the subway into the city solo. It was the first time in months and months. Got a haircut. Actually, chopped about 10 inches off. It was damn liberating. Am also in the process of updating my resume and starting a hardcore job hunt. It's been five years since I interviewed for a job and I'm excited. It's nice to have something else on my plate besides dirty diapers.


  1. He's gorgeous!
    I wish I could exclusively breastfeed. All the babies I've seen who are getting that are all chunky monkeys and I love it! :-) My baby is getting 80% formula and 20% breastmilk. He has a little chunk on him. I'm waiting for all those luscious baby rolls to come in. He is 8 weeks tomorrow too! :-) Two months on the 9th. So exciting.
    Good luck with the job hunting!

  2. saw your new hair cut on facebook and i love love love it!
